Volunteers of all ages are welcome at Siskiyou Ice Rink.

♥ Help on the ice and off with school groups is needed typically 12-3pm, Tues thru Friday to assist children with getting their skates on and off, to help them on the ice, and to help put away skates away after the session is over.
♥ Experienced skaters are welcome to volunteer as rink guards on the ice during the season.
♥ Experienced hockey players are welcome to volunteer as assistant coaches for the rink’s youth hockey program. Help is needed with setting up the rink for pick-up games, and volunteers will be needed at annual Pick Up Hockey Tournament. Contact the Mount Shasta IceBreakers on their FaceBook page: https://www.facebook.com/mtshastahockey.
If you can help on of these capacities, please call the Mt. Shasta Rec office at 530-926-2494
♥ Friends of the Rink is a volunteer-run organization dedicated to support the Siskiyou Ice Rink. If you have a particular area of interest you would like to be involved with, or particular skills you would like share, let us know – it’s likely we can put you to work!
For any reason, we’d love to hear from you. Call the Mt. Shasta Rec office at 530-926-2494 or call FOR at 530-925-9071.