FOR is an all-volunteer group that values the Siskiyou Ice Rink. FOR’s immediate and long-term goals:
(1) Short term, FOR helps with funding rink improvements and seasonal programs at Siskiyou Ice Rink.
(2) Long term, FOR is fundraising for a solar aray, roof over the rink, and construction/improvement of facilities around the rink.
FOR meets and contributes regularly to create and implement goals focused on supporting financially sustainable rink operations to serve our upper California community and visitors.
We welcome new members and volunteers! Everyone can help; all ages are welcome.
FOR Board of Directors:
Steve Bachman, Chair
Pauline Cox, Vice-Chair
John Stackfleth, Treasurer
Lisa Shara
Terry Dombrowski
AliCarmen Carico
Past Board Members:
Chris McGrew
Lisa Shara
Dottie Martin
Art Horvath
David Carico
Our Valued Partnerships:
FOR works in partnership with Mount Shasta Recreation and Parks District, and is supported by business, organizations and individuals. A few of the traditional Rink supporters are listed below:
• Friends of the Mount Shasta Avalanche Center
• Horvath Masonry; Mt. Shasta
• Jefferson State Roller Derby
• Mount Shasta Elks Lodge
• Mount Shasta Five Star Kiwanis
• Mount Shasta Mountain Runners
• Mount Shasta Reflexology
• Mount Shasta Rotary
• Mountain Wheelers; Mt. Shasta
• North State Parent; Butte, Shasta, S. Siskiyou & Tehama Cos
• Timber Products Company; Yreka